It is funny in life which memories choose to stay with you. I remember mostly good ones, the moments that at that time seemed so trivial, but in hindsight were moments that changed who I was going to be. The bad ones I remember were bad, but again, they were moments that defined who I was meant to be and become.
One thing, no matter how shy, outspoken, bullied, intimidating, charismatic, or aloof I was, I always loved with all I have, and I bring that love into everything I do. Love is an easy concept to confuse, misunderstand, misplace, and lose. But that which is done in love supersedes any good or bad intentions. In life, you get back what you put out there. It may never come back to you in ways you would expect, but that energy you radiate comes back to you because energy never dies. Nature loves a balance, but it also does not allow bad to come to those who act out of love, good faith, promise. This is not to say bad will never fall on you; like I said, nature loves a balance. But that balance comes from the actions of others and their bad actions which may draw bad into your path. But your circle of good vibes radiates and circles back to where they started.
The world is full of bad, evil, and negative thoughts, actions, people, places, and things. Negativity is like a virus with no cure, an outbreak, so to speak. An infection that kills hopes, dreams, and beliefs. The bad stuff is just easier to believe because we are conditioned from birth to believe we are always doing something wrong. Most parents are more prone to celebrate the "no's," "do not do that's," and the "that is bad," than they are to glorify only the good. We constantly reinforce negativity by trying to correct the bad rather than praising the good. Therefore, when we hear a "no" as an adult, most of the time, we accept it as a fact and walk away. We see violence on TV, and we understand it as wrong, but an acceptable part of life. We allow others around us and ourselves to be the judge and jury of other people’s actions based on what we have come to know as the truth... Perceptions... dangerous, little devils they are...
The perceptions that we have come from learned behaviors and taught beliefs. Our perceptions of people may cause us to be racist, abusive, manipulative, or a bully towards them. Our perceptions of places may cause us to never visit or learn about a culture, never visit a landmark, never climb that mountain. Our perceptions of things may allow us to accept gun violence, condemn the use of medical marijuana, or abuse power and authority that you believe you have earned. These perceptions can be changed for the better if we challenge our learned way of thinking.
Always seeing the bad in things is easy because we were raised to watch out for danger.
Therefore, we are always looking for the bad in the world. We were most likely never taught to look for the good, see the positive, take advantage of opportunities when they are there. It was just a natural reaction for our parents to think that we were going to fall before we would ever need to fly. They babyproof a house to keep you from harm from day one... in our desire to protect, we forget to show our kids their autonomy and how to fly. That inside them they have the power, the ability, the strength, and the love to get through anything. We forget to let them know that we are just as much there to support them as we are to keep that bad influence away from them.
There needs to be a change in the way we think. It will not be easy; it will be difficult, exceedingly difficult because evil does not like to lose. It only has one mission, and that is to put out the light. Evil or negativity will always have a hold on you because they control people with fear, fear of loss, fear of change, fear of those who are different from you, fear of whatever it can find to sink a hook into your side. We must learn to live freely without fear if we want to truly be free of the negativity in our lives. Fears come from worry, come from experience, come from what we have been taught. But we give fear so much of our precious time and energy, which we could be using to make ourselves stronger. "The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not presently and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real, but fear is a choice." Do not let fear control your perceptions or your choices.
We need to learn to let go and accept the fact that things can and will happen regardless of whether we worry about or fear them. We need to know that no amount of preparation or education can protect us from everything we will go through in this lifetime. But what you can do... you can live free from the holds of negativity by letting go of your fears and embracing the moments as they come, the love you have in your heart, and the collective good found in this world. I assure you, living a life that is no longer ruled by your fears will be such a dynamic change that you will feel the rush the moment you let it go.
A Life Well Lead...